Everybody’s saying they want to lose weight. Is that so? I think what you really want to lose is actually fat, you want to lose fat and you don’t want to lose your precious muscles.
Everybody’s saying they want to lose weight. Is that so? I think what you really want to lose is actually fat, you want to lose fat and you don’t want to lose your precious muscles.
Do not underestimate the power of exercise. It has a lot of benefits for health and longevity. Yes you can lose weight without exercising. But if your goal is to be in your best shape and your best health you need to make exercise a habit.
Our modern way of eating is killing us. Removing modern high inflammatory foods from our diet removes a lot of symptoms and often reverses chronic diseases.
“What you put on your fork is truly more powerful than anything you will find in a prescription bottle “ – Dr. M. Hyman I absolutely agree with that! It’s amazing what your body is capable of!
Do you have one? I think the way we start our days has more influence then we realize!